Friday, April 07, 2006

I have *never* looked at him like he's a pot of cottage cheese with pineapple chunks in! Maybe, once or twice, plain cottage cheese...

List Friday, courtesy of Pomegranates and Paper

This week's list: Freaky Foods, for Freaky Friday


My list will not be long. There is no food in the world I will not happily sample, or have sampled, except one:


I can't look at it, I hate the thought of it, and I have never ever even tasted it.

That is all.

You can say what you will, you will not convince me. And considering that I will eat anything else - octopus, brains, runny cheese, chocolate-covered oddities, escargot -whatever else you put in front of me - I think it's ok to not want to eat one thing, even one as (seemingly) innocuous as cottage cheese.


Sarah Louise said...

wow. I never would have thought *that* of you, dear Babelb. But hey, to each her own.

Gina said...

"...octopus, brains, runny cheese, chocolate-covered oddities, escargot..."

I won't eat any of those things, but I don't mind cottage cheese in the least.

And my list? Too long to consider.

blackbird said...

rice pudding has never touched my lips.

that is all.

Badger said...

I love cottage cheese, but it has to be small curd and it has to have salt and pepper on it.

Sarah Louise said...

but rice pudding...

we are all allowed our food oddities, I guess...

Katy said...

as one with enough food oddities to stay far away from this list (and btw, how the heck do you know the topic?), I have to agree with Badger that small curd, skim and (maybe, if its an option) low-moisture is the way to go. With frozen berries that are mostly thawed. I don't understand the desire for savory cottage cheese. I <3 sweets!

lazy cow said...

I can eat it, but I don't love it. The texture, so lumpy.

Anonymous said...

Cottage cheese reminds me of food turning into glue, and of every "diet plate" I consumed in the 70's and 80's - and here I am, still fat.

But Blackbird's aversion to rice pudding must be pathological. I LURVE it.

BabelBabe said...

Loretta, I also adore rice pudding but am the only one in my family who does. So in the winter, I make an entire batch and eat it for breakfast, cold, for a week, or however long it lasts. But homemade is so much different than the nasty packaged or supermarket stuff...I can't touch that rice pudding.

Joke said...

One thing I like in all puddings and custards is to spread them thinly on a plate to cool, maximizing the skin : pudding ratio.



BabelBabe said...

Most people eschew skin.

On puddings and cocoa and such.

It doesn't bother me.