Friday, March 03, 2006

It’s Not You, It’s Me

Really. Remember the whole no-work-email thing? Now that I have it back there’s all this work to do, which really puts a damper on my blog time.

Oh, and also? I’ve been really boring lately. Boring and bored, which means I haven’t had anything much worth writing about. I mean, you guys don’t care about the fact that many of Teddy’s friends are going to away camp this summer, right? I care, though, because that means Ted doesn’t want to go to his regular camp without them and be one of the only “big kids” there. I can’t say that I blame him, nor can I say that I wish he wanted to go to away camp. One week would be fine, but these kids are going to be gone for SIX! He’s not ready for six weeks away from home, and frankly, I’m not ready either.

Ted and I have been looking into different day camps throughout the city and trying to coordinate those with some of the kids he knows who are going to be around this summer. It’s not an easy task, but neither is it one that makes for gripping reading.

On the plus side, though, Pittsburgh residents should be heartened to discover how many cool day camps exist here, for prices that aren’t really outrageous. The Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, especially, has some great stuff. I think Teddy is going to do two photography sessions, one is nature photography and the other will have the kids walk around the different city neighborhoods and photograph stuff that catches their eyes. He’s also thinking about a ceramics/pottery one and a cartooning one. I wouldn’t mind spending a few weeks like that.

Also, Teddy (and I) did a sleep study last night to find out whether he has sleep apnea. The whole thing went smoothly, and I think he rather enjoyed looking like a science experiment. I have two beefs: The tech wasn’t allowed to discuss anything with me, so I don’t really know anything—and I won’t until we go back to the doctor on the 20th. The other beef is that I had to send Teddy to school with chunks of glue in his hair. I got most of it off his forehead with nail polish remover this morning, but there just wasn’t time to go over him after he’d showered. So he’s kind of crunchy and gross. He doesn’t care, but just thinking about it makes me cringe.

In other news, I am totally fat. That’s been consuming more of my mental energy than I like to admit, but there you go: I’ve been too fat to blog.


Katy said...

I went to camp for varying lengths when I was a kid, and I think that it was always harder on my mom than it was on me, ever. We started with 2 weeks the summer after 3rd grade. And fyi, 1 week camps are harder with the homesickness stuff than 2 or 4 weeks because there isn't time to settle in.

BabelBabe said...

I did summer camp for eons, but then I didn't have you as my cool mom : )I think my mom was *thrilled* to be rid of us for four weeks at a clip.

Now see, I thought the PCA camps were a tad pricey. But then Primo is younger, and therefore less doing real maybe that's it.

And too fat to blog? You made me spew tea. Thanks.

blackbird said...

oh the fatness...I know!
why do you think I am writing about Doritos, for heaven's sake?

Joke said...

Blogging is aerobic.


Gina said...

Ah, but if you eat (but not those scary green Doritos, please--I like Cool Ranch) while blogging, it cancels out any possible aerobic benefits.

Val--I'm guessing you think the PCA camps are pricey because you've never paid for a whole summer at something like J&R or Deer Creek! :-)

Andrea--WHAT did you do to your hair?

Joke said...

BUT...if you eat while blogging, and you've clearly left BabBab to do most of that, then you can't have been eating much.

Flawless logic strikes again!
