Monday, August 01, 2005

U-Scan Shopper

This is neat, but I can’t decide whether it would make my life better or worse. I love the idea of being able to keep a running total (which I know I could do with a calculator, but this is much more fun), and I think being able to bag as you shop is super.

There’s also a feature that lets you look up recipes if you find an ingredient that appeals to you.

So, is this an example of technology making grocery shopping less awful? Or is this the 2005 equivalent of this?


BabelBabe said...

Just as the self-serve checkout lines are fabulous IN THEORY, I see the same troubles applying to this. I have a tough enough time picking out the damn ripe strrawberries, I want someone else to tell me how much they are and put them in the bag.

Jess said...

Mostly I love u-scans. Especially on quick trips. Although Albertsons - I think their u-scans are out to get me. I just hate the store in general. And I hate the people who are totally helpless with computers/machines but insist on using u-scan and holding the rest of us up.

Gina said...

I have no trouble with the self-serve check out as long as there's someone around to bag for me (Ted's getting pretty good), but if I could just scan things and throw them in bags as I shopped . . . I think that might be really cool.

And Jess, I too hate the people who are helpless with computers and machines. Get out of the way! :-)

BabelBabe said...

I wonder if the zoo would install U-Scans so I can purchase with a minimum of fuss the Siberian tiger I am obliged to trudge past. But who would bag him?

Gina said...

You know, I bet U-Scan and places like the zoo could have a beautiful relationship. You know those stupid talking boxes you need the zoo keys for? Imagine if there was a U-Scan thing right next to them, where, so moved by the charm of the sea lions, for example, you could MAKE A DONATION RIGHT THERE.

Non-profits, take note . . .

BabelBabe said...

I'd be happy to make a donation right there. do you suppose sea lions eat children?

David said...

My understanding was that some stores were testing these things for check out - that they would just do a running total as you put things in your cart and then when you get to the end you just bag, pay, & go.

Of course I don't know how it copes when you put the fresh cookies you thought were a good idea when you were by the bakery into the cleaning supplies aisle 12 minutes later.