Friday, August 12, 2005

courtesy of david

This is the most entertaining one of these quizzes I've taken in a long time. And it toally appeals to my morbid, death-fascinated, I-shoulda-been-Quincy side.


I am Rabies. Grrrrrrrr!
Which Horrible Affliction are you?
A Rum and Monkey disease.


Gina said...

Hey! I'm rabies too! :-)

Caro said...

Oh great! I was syphillis. Nothing to perk up my morning like finding out I'm an STD.

Kathy said...

I was rickets. That was fun -- I also took the "Which Homicidial Maniac Are You" test (it was something like that) and the "Are you damned test" and . . . -- See! I'm supposed to be working and here I am taking all these tests! Much more fun. :)

Badger said...

I'm syphilis as well. I am so not posting THAT on my blog.