Monday, February 13, 2006

"Well, Lou, that's why I want to pursue it." - Herb Brooks

I know I said I wouldn’t watch because I didn’t care…but we’ve all been sick and we are sick, we watch TV. So here are my Olympic snippets:

Good Lord, could Il Pomodoro Volante (Primo is wildly amused by the nickname) be any cuter? When Bob Costas interviewed him after his gold-medal win, he was just so adorable. I hope Sasha Cohen goes out with him – I know I would. Although I am technically old enough to be his mother.

Am I the only freak who thinks like this? When someone mentioned that Michelle Kwan will be flying home today, and her plane may just cross paths with Sarah Hughes’ plane winging to Torino, I immediately thought, “Wow, wouldn’t that be some story if Hughes’ plane crashed…on her way to the Olympics…as an alternate…on the way to Olympic gold…”

Michelle Kwan has won nine national championships? Did you hear that last night? That’s incredible. I am sad for her that she doesn’t have an Olympic gold medal.

I can’t watch the freestyle skiing – it makes my knees hurt just to watch. The mogul portion is accompanied by this mental soundtrack: “Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.”

The little Korean short-track speed skater with the weirdly colored hair who won the gold? “Hmmm...Gelfling?”

I do not like Apolo Ohno. Clearly he screwed up his race, his hand hit the skate of the other skater and then hit the block. But in a post-race interview, he blamed the mishap on the *other* skater making contact with *him*. Jerk.

I find short-track speedskating very exciting to watch. And hypnotizing.

The US uniforms – especially the snowboarding ones – are hideous. They look like old-time baseball uniforms, with none of the charm. Although I suppose the fur-trimmed parkas are ok. And the Italians – oh, those poor athletes. Can you imagine being in an international spotlight wearing those godawful silver things?

Does Bob Costas ever age?

Has anyone else been checking Google each day to see the Olympic changes in their icon? Pretty cool. Today it’s a female snowboarder.

The figure skaters who successfully landed the triple axle throw? The guy? Is very cute. I generally don’t like blondes. But God, he’s got a terrific smile, and I have hair envy. Also, I read recently that she is recovering from LUNG CANCER.

Primo decided the ski jumping looked too hard, but Segundo was all about going out to try it RIGHT NOW. And the new favorite game to play? Ski-jumping baby!


Peg said...

If the Olympics have lost some of their special-ness, I think it's in part due to the fact that they're every two years, alternating summer and winter, and they used to both be every four years. We've become desensitized to them. Those godawful tearjerky profiles don't help much, either. That all being said, I love the Olympics, especially the winter ones.

Caro said...

Ski-jumping baby? Tell me more.

Sarah Louise said...

Emily Hughes. But I'm only pointing that out, because I'm sure you had a child on your lap. (Not snarking, I promise!!!)

I truly need to buy a TV guide this week. The NBC website is NOT at all helpful, with its "real time" and "TV time" stuff. What I really need is a Washington Post TV guide, but I don't see that happening...(evil plot forming in brain...)I think our library gets the Sunday Washington Post...

Joke said...

Bob Costas RULES.


Sarah Louise said...

I bought a copy of the Sunday Washington Post at Barnes & Noble, yay!

David said...

and she didn't tell her own mother she had lungcancer because her father had just succumbed to the same disease several months earlier.

and I thought it was about skating.

BabelBabe said...

David - it's the Olympics - it's so NOT about the sport, my friend!

And Carolyn - Ski-jumping baby is pretty much the same game as Flying baby but with cowbell sound effects. (Please don't ask why we own a cowbell...)

Caro said...

A cowbell! You must have the fever. LOL