Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Pleasure's Penury

Doesn't that sound like the title of a bodice ripper? Can't you just see it scrawled across a nice, pulpy paperback, in some pirate-y font?

I'm really referring, however, to the fact that I've imposed a ban on reading for pleasure until I've finished some school work. I feel like a child who cannot watch television until her homework is finished, or who cannot have dessert until she's finished her broccoli. Sigh.

I finished Prep Sunday night, and I liked it very much. I won't say that it's any great literary shakes . . . in fact, I'm going to step right up to the critics and say that I think Prep is chick lit. (This is not an insult, because I don't think chick lit is by definition a bad thing, but I bet Curtis Sittenfeld would be offended.)

Prep is an entertaining read filled with lots of little truths. The narrator is looking back on her experiences at boarding school from a period of at least ten years, and her retelling is filled with honesty and some wisdom. I think if Sittenfeld's narrator were telling the story as she lived it, rather than as she remembered it, the novel could be classed as YA--and I don't mean that as an insult, either.

So that's my take on Prep. I read more than half of it Friday night--it was that enjoyable. Thumbs up, indeed!

I also give both of my thumbs and all of my fingers and toes up for the first installment of Y:The Last Man. Action, adventure, horror, gross-outs, love, fear, bravery, sex . . . and Yorick Brown is the hottest (drawn) guy I've ever seen! :-) I have the next three books on reserve at the library, but I think I might actually buy them--I want to give them my money!

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