Friday, July 22, 2005

ok, I am a blog slut, I admit it

I played this with Joke's blog too, so here are Joke's five questions and my answers, 'cause I know you're all dying to know the quirky way in which my tiny mind works:

1- In order to release a beloved friend from the clutches of an evil genius, you must appear in an infomercial, one which will run for a year and is for a completely useless product. Name the product.
Cellulite cream.

2- You are engaged to the most wonderful, caring, etc., etc. human being ever. Only to discover this wonderful person was once in a band and has groupies who still stalk and pester and stop both of you on the street ALL THE TIME. (Did I mention he played the spoons in a polka band?) Do you go through with the wedding?
I did.

3- To help you out of a financial mess, would you agree to leading a life of product placement for a year?
Yes. As long as I had some choice of products (i.e. Coke instead of Pepsi)

4- An ex has become HUGELY successful writing a Broadway musical comedy about your relationship, in which you are not portrayed in a flattering way, however your character is the hit of the show, and the show is a gigantic smash. Do you out yourself?
Probably not at this point in my life. Maybe when I am death's door and all old and wrinkly, possessing the nobility of the greatly aged (like Deep Throat...ahem...)

5- You are promised eternal beauty and grace if you are willing to talk in limericks for life. Do you start rhyming?
But I already *have* eternal beauty and grace...don't I?, really, I suppose I'd stay my trolly little self. Maybe if I were going to talk in iambic pentameter or something really cool like villanelles or sonnets...

1 comment:

Gina said...

Oh, who hasn't fallen for the bad-boy spoons player? :-)