Thursday, October 13, 2005

I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet, so who am I to judge? - Douglas Adams

All this talk of holy water and garlic reminds me of my all-time favorite vampire movie quote, from “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” (a visually beautiful movie marred by Keanu Reaves’ complete lack of acting ability and Gary Oldman’s ferrety face):

[MINA: How did Lucy die? Was she in great pain?
[Anthony Hopkins, playing the master of understatement]
HELSING: Ja, she was in great pain. Then we cut off her head and drove a stake through her heart and burned it and then she found peace.


I found the blog that goes with the Julie/Julia book. And in all my copious free time, I will read it. I wonder if that means I won’t then have to read the book? Will it be identical? I am guessing it will be pretty similar.

I stayed up way too late last night reading Sandra Dallas’ The Diary of Mattie Spenser, a light but well-written novel about life on the prairie circa Laura Ingalls Wilder time. I am really enjoying it. It reminds me a bit of Rachel Calof’s Story but not quite as grim, perhaps because it’s fiction.

We tend to read in cycles around this house. We’ll read a few books over and over until the boys decide they’re tired of them and move onto something new. I am sure there’s some psychological/educational benefit to this practice and my boys are just doing completely normal toddler development things but frankly it makes me insane.
In the boys’ reading rotation right now:
-Thomas and the Big, Big Bridge
-Thomas and Toby
-Dear Katie, The Volcano is a Girl (about the legend of Pele, Hawaiian goddess of fire and goddess of the Kilauea volcano)
-In Search of the Perfect Pumpkin (nonfiction, about...what else...pumpkins)
-Suddenly (I love Preston the pig. I bought this in London in 97, well before children.)



I just like the phrase “jazz diaspora” although I too am worried that the rebuilding of New Orleans will result in a New Orleans theme park rather than the vibrant, exciting (and admittedly fucked-up) city that it was.

Peggy Fleming is on Mr. Rogers’ right now. She is teaching Mr. Rogers to do spinny things on skates and showing pictures of her cute son - who sports a Dorothy Hamill haircut.

This woman is CLEARLY NUTS. She was featured in Parents magazine a year or so ago, when she only had fourteen children. I think they should do a feature story on people who have *figured out* birth control…

Simon has his first official playdate with a boy from school. James’ mom is taking them up to the park after preschool for an hour or so. Si seemed pretty excited by the prospect; he talks about James a lot. After I had said yes, I realized I was not even sure of James’ mom’s name (it’s Angel). Yet notice how I blithely send my kid off with her. I am in the running for the rotten mother of the year award. They’d NEVER let me have thirteen more.


Just got an email from Dan. One of his co-workers is in the hospital, waiting for his meningitis diagnosis – viral or bacterial. This is a guy Dan works closely with. We’ve both checked the CDC site and don’t really know what to do until the diagnosis comes back other than keep Dan away from the kids.


Caro said...

There is a Mom I talk to all the time while picking up "A" from school and I didn't learn her name until recently. I usually remember the child's name or face first. You're not alone.
Regarding the insane woman - I watched a Discovery special on this family. She is VERY VERY organized. She has charts and each kid does chores. In fact, when I watched it, it made me feel inadequate. I can't handle three!

BabelBabe said...

i'll see your inadequacy and raise you a totally overwhelmed : )

Caro said...

Jame's Mom probably doesn't know your name either. You are probably (to her) Simon's Mom. That's how it seems to happen when we give birth doesn't it. We lose our names and become "so and so's Mom".

Joke said...

One of the advantages to being a part-time SAHD is having ALL the moms know your name.

As re. kids and chores, my system is very simple: do chores without being asked and you get an allowance. don't do chores and watch your brother buy cools tuff with HIS allowance. I'm all down with the Adam Smith thing.

As re. the meningitis, I'll pray for youse. That menigitis thing scares the snot outa me.



Regarding Dracula:

Thirty years ago, there was a series on tv called cliff hangers. One third of the program was Michael Nouri as Dracula. All us ladies at the shop where I worked would make sure our butts were in front of the television when that show started. He was such a sexy Dracula that everyone was hoping they'd get bitten by him. It still makes me hot and I am old.

Badger said...

Oh you DID NOT just dis Gary Oldman! Gary Oldman fucking rocks. How can you like Alan Rickman and not like Gary Oldman?! What is wrong with you?!

Wow. I totally need some chocolate. Like, immediately.

Kathy said...

Have to agree with Badger on this one -- I love Gary Oldman.

I will be thinking about you, Dan and your boys.

BabelBabe said...

but badge, gary oldman has those squinty little eyes and weak chin. the real problem is he reminds me of someone i went to college with -his name was *Nigel*, you see the problem? - and i just cannot get that resemblance out of my mind.

my verification word is
krteaxuo, which is also a little-known volcano on Hawaii's smallest island...

BabelBabe said...

oh, and michael nouri WAS hot. now he's just fat and weird looking.