Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I cannot catch a break

Oh great. So not only am I going to give birth to Blinky, but he's going to be a little crack addict too. Look, I am happy to give up alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, sushi, and salami, if that's what it takes for my child to be healthy. I will even give up my Zoloft if I must - the well-being of my baby comes first, regardless of all my flippancy. But with all the pharmaceutical research dollars being spent on things like Viagra and yet another form of birth control for *women*, can someone please engineer an antidepressant that won't make my babe act like a crack baby? Because I really need this stuff to lead a semi-normal life.

What am I going to do right now about this? No idea yet. Again, many health professionals I have consulted have said Zoloft is safe, but were they just talking about birth defects? And the skeptic in me notes that, as far as I can tell, these articles are based on anecdotal and/or cohort studies. Because no pregnant woman is going to volunteer for a controlled trial. (Same reason children's meds aren't as well-researched as adult meds, who wants to expose their children to something they might not need? Unless ABSOLUTELY necessary?)

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