Wednesday, June 08, 2005

idiots and their idiotic writings

Scroll down to the second letter, or as Gina so eloquently put it, to the Stroller Bitch. I was so livid I couldn't see straight but managed to breathe deeply and take ten minutes to vent my vitriol in my own letter to the editor. (OK, I know it doesn't exactly *flow* but I was PISSED.) I hope, oh I hope, they print my letter, so stupid Nicole sees how intelligent rational people feel about idiots like her. But in case they don't, here's MY letter: Take that, Stroller Bitch!

As the mother of a four-year-old and a two-year-old, I have to reply to Nicole Mullen's idiotic letter. Most parents try to be very careful with their strollers and pay attention to who is where on the sidewalks. However, some adults feel entitled to take up the entire sidewalk, or walk into your child without paying any attention to who is around them. I can't tell you how many times my four-year-old has been knocked into or bumped by an adult who is not paying any attention to their surroundings. Secondly, a backpack carrier is not a feasible option for an active, thirty-pound two-year-old, or frankly, any child over twenty pounds. I'd be in my way to the chiropractor within ten minutes. Thirdly, you try taking a two-year-old anywhere like the Arts Festival without a stroller. Then when they are tired and want to be carried, you heft that thirty pounds around the festival and blocks back to the car. Then you'd probably be too exhausted to write inane letters to the newspaper regarding subjects about which you clearly know nothing. So sorry that my desire to get my boys outside, enjoy the sunshine, and support downtown Pittsburgh is getting in the way of your good time.


Gina said...

Bravo! Although I must say that I am less surprised that people like Stroller Bitch exist than I am that the PG would post such a poorly written letter. Are they so hard up?

BabelBabe said...

I had the same reaction. why did they print that? it's clearly a one-off about a not-very-important issue. *and* badly written to boot.