Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Alice and Jello Cake

I suppose you could make jello cake with actual whipped cream, to appease your gourmand husband. I, however, like Cool Whip—it’s crazy chemical makeup doesn’t bother my lactose-intolerant digestive system. (Similarly, I don't question whatever poisonous chemicals go into those miraculous Mr. Clean sponge-things. They work, and that's all I need to know.)

So I read Alice Thrift, and it was okay. I liked most of the characters, but I did have a hard time with Alice herself. I know that was the point, but I had a hard time sympathizing with her at all. And you know what? My mom and grandmother are nurses, my sister abandoned nursing school, and a few of my childhood friends are doctors (not to mention the fact that I’ve had my blood pressure checked numerous times), and I have never once heard anyone in real life refer to a blood pressure cuff as a sphygmomanometer. No one says that! Yet the word came up at least twice in Alice AND in The Family Trade! What? WHAT?!?!

Yikes. Pardon that rant. Yes, Val, I’d like to borrow any of the other Lipman books. Whatever you think I’d like will be fine.

Oh, and you can look at my Nancy Pearl books whenever you want. I actually forgot I owned Book Lust until I saw More Book Lust on a table at B&N. I should keep them in my car so I have them handy for trips into B&N . . . I don’t have an index card in my wallet like I should, and I keep losing my scraps of paper and sticky notes.


BabelBabe said...

Putting real whipped cream on would just highlight the jello and the cake mix cake. Dan would implode. But I think i will try it, the boys will love it.

I think Alice has Aspergers. That sounds like that car game we used to play: "I went to Alabama and I packed an apple; I went to Bermuda and I packed a banana...." She was the weirdest character, and completely *out of character* for Lipman, in my opinion.

Gina said...

I don't know if you remember, but Alice's mom *does* mention Asbergers and autism.

BabelBabe said...

I think I do remember that; I had forgotten it till you mention it. Since I am fairly convinced my husband has a mild case of Asperger's, I think that's why it hit my radar.