Saturday, September 03, 2005

The American Red Cross and other ways to help victims of Katrina

If you have any extra room to house refugees and are interested in doing so, you can get info and sign up here:

What an excellent idea.
Step up to the plate, George. Prove you’re the leader you like to think you are.

According to some local contacts in Houston (people who work with the company my husband works for), the refugees at the Astrodome are in need of clothing (particularly pants/shorts) in M-L-XL sizes. I will look for an address to mail things to and post it as soon as possible. So get going through your closets.

Please continue to donate to the Red Cross and other organizations; even if they can’t get into the city of New Orleans due to FEMA restrictions, they can access the refugees elsewhere and will need resources for them.

Lists of places where you can donate money and whatever else is needed: Joke has a comprehensive list.

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