I was going to write a whole diatribe about why Americans think everything needs to be Americanized, and why the general zeitgeist seems to be that anything remotely European is too foreign and hard for us to cope with, but I am too tired.
I read Let the Right One IN THE ORIGINAL SWEDISH -- well, no, no, I didn't, but I read it ages ago. In the original translation, with the original title, because someone who had seen the original movie raved about it. I liked it well enough. It was a good read.
I will ignore this ridiculous Americanized media tie-in edition, as well as the stupid American remake of the movie.
Just as I will ignore the American remake of the film of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
Guess what, America? It's OK to NOT be American. Seriously. The rest of the world has lots to offer, some of it even better than what we have here.
I'm with you BB!! Remember that atrocious Zeta-Jones "remake" of "Mostly Martha"?
I'm guessing this is why so many people are annoyed with Americans.
Cat, yep that and the whole burning of other cultures' holy books and all.
Oh BB, you need to come and live here, that's the solution. We don't eat "cream" from an aerosol spray can, but we do swear a whole fucking lot I'm afraid. Oh, also our books are hellishly expensive. Perhaps you could bring Amazon with you?
Have you seen the Swedish version of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? I really like who was chosen to play the main characters.
Totally with you on this. I don't get why we think everything has to be remade for Americans -- it's beyond me.
Think that about covers it?
you forgot to call me a communist...or a muslim...
we don't eat cheese out of aerosol cans either but that's probably a plus :-)
someone beat me to the "mostly martha" but I would also add, WHY did they need to remake "Shall we dance?" (Japanese movie, remade with Richard Gere.)
And I sometimes do eat cheese out of aerosol cans.
Probably one of the main reasons, I will never travel to a non-English speaking country, besides money, is the fact that I don't want to be one of "those" Americans expecting everybody else to speak "my" language. :-O
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