Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We have decided how sad it is for others that they cannot appreciate our genius.

Does anyone have any idea why I requested this from the library? At first I thought it was a mistake since I picked up Tracy Chevalier's Remarkable Creatures (more on this later) at the same time. But I don't think so -- it looks like a book I would like to read. But I have positively no recollection of requesting it or the faintest idea what prompted me to.

Anyone who tells you that bearing and rearing small children does not turn your brain to mush is a liar.


Julia said...

Looking forward to hearing what you think of Remarkable Creatures!

My brain is mush, it is so true. It does get better right?

Badger said...

My youngest is 12. It does NOT get better.

And I dunno about you, but if I'd seen a picture of that cover, I'd have requested the book for that alone. I'm a sucker for twisty trees.

Oh dear God, my word verification is bitsober. I kid you not. Hello, it's not yet 7 a.m. here. I'm more than a BIT sober.

Elizabeth said...

Because it's another teen vampire book, silly!
And highly recommended, if I recall.

librarygirl said...

I have done this SO MANY TIMES. Because as a staff member our reservations are free, I order things on a whim then they turn up months later and Ithink what the...?

I second Badger. My youngest is 12 also and my brain is chaos!

teachergirl said...

My youngest is almost 14 and the oldest is almost 18. Nothing gets easier. Just roll with it.

Jess said...

You MAY have seen me mention it - it was a finalist for the Morris Award for debut YA authors. I was trying to read through the whole list before the awards were announced last week, but I'm still waiting for my hold.