Boots: Check.
Two pairs of socks: Check.
Sweat pants: Check.
Snow pants: Check.
Sweatshirt: Check.
Jacket: Check.
ZIPPED: Check.
Scarf: Check.
Mittens: Check.
Hat: Check.
Time spent outside: 15 minutes.
Now I understand why my mother hated snow days.
*Joseph Wood Krutch
Yes, but once you get them back inside you are off the hook, right? It's time for hot chocolate and couch potato time!
And you didn't even mention that you have an 8-day-old baby while you did all this!
Holy Cannoli!
dont give me too much credit - our usual babysitter was here alot of the day yesterday.
oh, I'm laughing that laugh of oh, how true, and I'm so sorry, but it does make for good blog.
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